Alexey Komov Mail: alexeykcontact at gmail dot com. Website: GitHub: Work experience EPAM • Lead Software Engineer • (2011 - present) Large car retailer (early 2020 - present) - Implemented client side functionality for document upload (TypeScript, React, Redux, Redux Thunk, Material-UI). - Developed, supported AWS-based services for identity verification and document upload (Lambda (Serverless), SQS, SNS, ECS, DynamoDB). - Was a code-owner for front-end repository. Large entertainment industry client (2018 - early 2020) - Led development of analytics mobile application (further - app) for iOS and Android. - Supported and created parts of CI and CD infra (Gitlab, Fastlane, Appcenter). - Created native watchOS application for main app (Swift, WatchKit). - Implemented parts of UI for mobile app (React Native). Media industry client (2016 - 2018) - Developed several services as POC in scope of large web-application for TV (further - application) (React, Redux, Reselect). - Developed scheduler system for application notifications (Node.js). - Developed part of major update for application main menu (Node.js, EFL). - Developed complex view for part of application settings (Node.js, EFL). - Maintainer of notifications part of the application (Node.js, EFL). - Interviewed candidates for the project. - Mentored junior developers. Telecom client (2012 - 2016) - Started practice to implement frontend in JS when needed instead of using JSP templates. This resulted in better development speed and separation of concerns between developers. - Did frontend development for NBAA - dashboard and suggester web-application (Scala, Lift, jQuery). - Developed frontend for analytics dashboard, user interface of which can be created purely with configuration from DB (Bootstrap, JavaScript, Scala). - Developed features for and maintained CAT - legacy IE 5.5-only web application, both frontend and backend parts (jQuery, HTML Components, Java). - Implemented features for daemon for sending SMS messages (Java). - Implemented features for RTCC - large integrator app that connects different services (Java 8). - Created frontend for chart application for visualizing data from MongoDB in realtime (Canvas, MongoDB). - Interviewed candidates for the project. Client who were using dashboard based on (2011 - early 2012) - Developed several widgets and components for dashboard (JavaScript, HTML, CSS, UWA). - Code-reviewed another developers. EPAM internal - Conducted 100+ technical interviews. - Developed iOS app for EPAM social project (see open source). Scand • Frontend Software Engineer • (2007-2008) - Developed ajax-based web calendar prototype (PHP, MySQL, JavaScript). (Was used as inspiration for calendar application side project later). Side projects and open source - Authored Reflect Calendar - fast and minimalist web calendar, source. - Travel app for iOS, native (Objective-C, UIKit, Core Data, Mapbox). - iOS-like momentum scroller built with the web technologies, demo. - Pythagoras tree with React and Google Closure Compiler., demo. - Сhart application for Telegram Chart Contest, demo. Education - BSUIR(FITC), master’s degree • (2000 - 2005) ### Courses - Coursera course - Algorithmic toolbox. - Coursera course - Data structures. - React Native mentoring program in EPAM. Application developed as a result. - Rolling scopes iOS course. Skills languages and standards Proficient: JavaScript, HTML, CSS, TypeScript, Objective-C Have experience: Swift, Java, Scala, Python ### Frameworks, libraries and technologies - Proficient: React (Redux, Saga, Material-UI, Redux Thunk) React Native iOS (Objective-C) Google Closure (Google Closure Compiler, Google Closure Library) - Have experience: Swift Node.js (AWS Lambda, Express, Jade(Pug), EFL, MongoDB) GWT jQuery Scala (Lift) Java (JDBC, Oracle) Docker Spoken languages English - B2+ Russian - Native Belorussian - Native Inspirations - Web. - Large web-applications, yet with simple UI. - Performance. - Simplicity. - Challenging problems on the edge of what is possible in Web platform. - (Recently) distributed systems and data structures. - (Recently) similarity and common principles of UIs in general, such as web and mobile. - (Recently) Native mobile development for iOS. Personal interests include, among other, popular science, traveling, books and music.